Import bug made it way to easy...
Now I shall tell you all the import bug in 5 easy steps unless your brain dead then they wont be so easy 9.9
step 1 - buy an embassy
step 2 - click on import
step 3 - press back space removing 0 as the value for any of the solider units pick one you don't like ;).
step 4 - press import and your gold will turn to NAN
step 5 - change all values in import to 9999..ect and press import
remember never transport NAN soldiers your other city wont be able to go to war but you can transport inf amounts of food clay money...ect
I messed up my first city by some how many all my workers, money basicly everything NAN. i could buy/create anything i wanted but the city could not go to war, i just used it to transport goodies to the other citys then took over the world :)